
Lightening storm in the beginning and no wind in the end of the first race day

2023-12-08 22:51
The first race day began with the lightening storm. The fleet was waiting, but when it was over, the wind was not enough for the race. It measures max 3 kts from the south east.
At 3pm the Race Committee vessel and fleet were departed from the marina.
The first race was started but when the fleet passed the first mark the rain came and wind began to be lower and lower, so the RC had to stop the race.

Doga Aribas from AZZURRO team tells: "The weather was tricky today. We started with a thunder storm and then it was a long waiting on the shore. When the sky was clear we went out to do a race. We tried to do a single race, but in the middle the strong rain came and have to abandon the race. It was quite interesting to start with a brand new team. We went very good, in the half point of race, on the rounding mark we have 5 boats behind us.

Main judge Can Giray: "We hope to get 4-5 races tomorrow to have a progress.